sobota, 24 kwietnia 2010

Communication jammed.


I'm with you again. It was bad time here. Time dedicated to reflections and sadness. It seemed that the time has stopped. It gave us space to think about people we know and country we live in. It will be a hot summer here in Poland and I do not mean the temperature outside.

There is one thing that impressed me after the accident. Although it was only a plane crash so many phone calls were made that I was not able to contact nor my wife, to tell her what is going on, neither my parents where were my children. Providing larger problems you can treat your cell phone as useless gadget. Luckily SMS service still worked on - slow nevertheless it gave you a chance to communicate - but I do not think this channel would survive greater impact from users.

So I found that having a radio is much more important thing than I thought before that accident. I plan to equip house and family cars with portable radio devices.

Other important thing is that I resigned from the loan. Too much entry costs, too much dependence on the system. That will make my journey longer but I will sleep much better. :)

sobota, 10 kwietnia 2010

Tragedy in Poland.

It is hard to believe that so many people are lost. I do not find good words to describe it. Just think that you loose one day Obama, Bernake, dozens of congressman both republican and democrat, main generals, chiefs of important institutes and organizations, and people who are living part of you dramatic history... It is unbelievable...

People with who you were discussing, talking, arguing, who you liked or dislike but respected...

The rest is silence.


rest in peace dears

czwartek, 8 kwietnia 2010

Economical issues.

I found new e-book and want to share the address with you.

I am far from saying it is a good way to go but there are many things that can be used by preppers. It can help you realize how to make a good balance sheet of your assets and how to care about some aspects of your financial survival. Nevertheless author provides that whole the system will survive which can be true but also false. After SHTF he can loose everything. Because I think that even when he invests in gold and silver he invests not in real metal in deposit but electronic record so when the record is gone also his gold is gone also. So read it carefully but have in mind that it is a way to make money and create safety in the world we know. It can help you to prepare but it will be obsolete WTSHTF. 

have a nice reading !

p.s. soon I will present some progress in rescuing my little country house. I was thinking about to give up and to destroy it and start from the very begining within year or two. But after long discussion with an architect and chief of builders we decided to continue. Although not too much will stay as it was it is still worth to save.