(I used images from wikipedia)
Below there are schemes of less and more complicated set.

Simple distillation set : 1. Source of heat, 2. Distillation flask, 3. Still head, 4. Thermometer, 5. Condenser, 6. Cooling inlet, 7. Cooling fluid outlet, 8. Receiving flask, 9. Vacuum/gas inlet, 10. Still receiver

Laboratory display of distillation: 1: A heating device 2: Still pot 3: Still head 4: Thermometer/Boiling point temperature 5: Condenser 6: Cooling water in 7: Cooling water out 8: Distillate/receiving flask 9: Vacuum/gas inlet 10: Still receiver 11: Heat control 12: Stirrer speed control 13: Stirrer/heat plate 14: Heating (Oil/sand) bath 15: Stirring means e.g.(shown), anti-bumping granules or mechanical stirrer 16: Cooling bath.
For the preppers I would suggest the very simple set.
1. Distillation flasks with different volumes. I would suggest 250 mL, 1 l., 2 l.. All equipped with 29/32 joints.
2. Still head (short one with no refining shelfs) - in case of lack of thermometer you can always use stopper. 29/32 joints to flask and condenser, 14 joint for thermometer
3. Condensers (1 with water as cooler "Liebig", 1 air cooled "Vigreux") of course with 2 x 29/32 joints.
4. Still receiver - yes - 2 x 29/32 joints
5. Receiver flask- you can use distillation flask - usually smaller than distillation one.
Options and suggestions:
For purifying substances from solids or high-boiled liquids just use the simple set.
For refining if needed (when distilled liquids has similar boiling point) you can use Vigreux between distillation flask and still head.
For extraction of substances from ig. herbs in temperature of boiling put condenser vertically directly into distillation flask
When purifying change receiving flask after first drops of condensed liquid or when the needed temperature is achieved, change again when the temperature starts rising again and exceeds the boiling temperature of desired product.
! Always use fresh anti-bumping granules made from crushed ceramic to avoid explosive-boiling. Especially dealing with water will end up quickly with contamination of distillate with mixture from distillation flask.
When the source of heat is weak or you want to perform gentle distillation you can shield the top of the flask and the still head (aluminum foil, piece of non-inflammable fabric)
! Remember that there are inflammable liquids (the most of !) and avoid using open fire as a source of heat.
Buying thermometer ended with 14 joint it should be best with range from -10 deg. C up to +250 deg. C
Buying glass try to buy a new one - boronic or other new composition - they are more resistant to temperature changing and breakage.