I am reading about the anger. Voices about revolution, secession, fall of America's ideals. I see people in Washington from all over the country protesting. And President saying leftist things using words restricted for conservatism. Finished with these words that really sounds beautifully for us - Europeans : "God bless the United States of America". Wow. Really nice. I wonder how sincere it is. Does he believe in these words or is just a perfect actor ? In the end it does not matter. The one that will pay for that game is not him. It is YOU.
Why they seem deaf on your cry ? We know it well. We - I mean Europeans. The whole mess will stop within weeks. People will go home, forums will go quiet, another Super Bowl will be played, another article about bad Mel Gibson will gather all the discussions. After three years when you will have to pay for it all no one will remember that it was caused by that Bill or other. It will be just hard time which should unite the whole US and no blame pointed. So remember that day. Remember today to know where from comes your tomorrow. They will do everything for you to forget.
What is funny I read that your President Obama starts speaking like our leaders in the times of planned economy. "Within five years we will increase the export by 50%". I know the only one way to do this knowing what is going on. In term of value expressed in USD it means that they are planning to depreciate USD at least by 50%. It is not a joke - that is the only way. :)
From that point of view I know also how the Lisbon Strategy of EU was supposed to work. You know, in 2000 it was written that EU would do everything to be as good as US in 2010. Of course the reality didn't like to read the paper and nothing has changed. But now I know what they were planning ! It was not about to increase EU - it was about decrease of US ! Can you imagine that G.W.Bush failed to be reelected and "Obama-like" democrat won instead of him. Can you imagine that the act we are discussing today was brought to life several years ago ? Today your economy would be ruined as much as needed to ... fulfill the Lisbon Strategy ! :) On that basis I would say that MI6 works better than CIA cause finally they made it - they will change you from inside !
Here we say : The last switch off the light. :)
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