Global warming. Does anyone know someone who do not know what it is ? What is said is responsible for ? What are the efforts ? Billion of dollars is used to stop this virtual threat which if caused by sun is unstoppable and uncontrollable and took place many times in the world history. But I am not here to discuss this stupidity and all the efforts that are undertaken. I am just concerned that I do not hear anything about the thing that can stop our world and eliminate much more lives than junk of global warming. I talk about mass bees dying.
Observed for last several years mysterious dying of the whole hives, this year, as you can read, is getting stronger. Last article I found is here . It is worldwide, with unknown origins and can accelerate without warning. No one knows if it is possible that the next year all the bees can be dead. But if that happen it will ruin the economy, stop the civilization and for sure - it will be responsible for hunger and death of many people. And it will happen suddenly, without recognized reason, maybe last for several years or decades what means permanently in the meaning of generation. Can you imagine the disorder caused by such accident ? Can you imagine that the world without bees ? Without all the efforts of their work including fruits and honey ? And now... have you heard about mass of dollars spending on finding quick solution of that problem ? Have you heard about prof. X. Ygrekovsky from Somewheronian State University which gained the Nobel Prize for efforts in finding a solution of "bee problem"? Did your congressman say a single word about it ?
And now tell me - isn't it the world is upside down ?
p.s. Practical question - do you know any ideas how to preserve honey bee for long term storage ? Is doing nothing just keeping in dark and cool place enough to keep it in a good condition ? I tried to do this with natural honey and it worked OK but I am wondering if these commercially available products called "honey bee" will also manage or some additives can react making differences in taste or smell.
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