środa, 3 marca 2010

Pleasure - preppers little treasure.

In the tough times everyone will have the same problems to solve. Preppers will be a step ahead due to some preparations made. But I think that you should be not a step but a bit more in the front. Think about things that are not so necessary but very important. Just think that the healthy spirit creates healthy body. To bring it to life you should care about your "evenings". After all the needs are indulged and you  have some time to sit and rest have something extra for you and people you are preparing to shelter. Have your little pleasures, extra prizes for being prepared. I like coffee and for sure an extra kilo or two coffee beans will be kept in my storage, and some sweets - I love them, children love them, everyone love the sweets :)

Maybe I won't be able to run my coffeemaker so I always have some instant coffee. It's normally used in the kitchen as an addition to cakes so I do not store things that I would have to dispose. It's important, as one of the forums topic last reminded, to watch whether it is prepping or just hoarding.

Do not forget about your families. Pack of playing cards, scrabble, maybe book with sudoku ? Maybe its good idea to have your music collection stored as mp3s on a small flash card ? DVD with fairy tales ? 

You know what it is. For sure. Just think what normally gives you and other little pleasures and care to make them your little treasures in the hard time. A bit of laughter usually is more important then than a can of beans in tomato soup.

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