poniedziałek, 22 lutego 2010

Live your life.

"Live your life" is my motto. Why is that? There are many reasons but the main one is that nowadays we live not-our life. We live in times when its said what to do, what to buy, what to listen, what to read. The whole mass of people is working on that. To free us from thinking, to give us apparent choices or just choose for us telling us its best for us. As I look at the people I pass, look how they look like, what and where they eat, what they read, watch or listen, I clearly see that people are becoming more and more the products of the world, not individuals any more. They wear trendy things, listen promoted music, read what someone in TV said is worth reading. But of course the program was not about literature but about home design. They watch all the sitcoms and look like the heroes and behave like them. Even think like them "to be cool". So Iran is bad, our government is the best thing that could happened. (Just not to watch their hands.) etc. Democracy is corrupted but accepted as no other choices are given. Same is with all the people. They live someone others life because there was no other option given. Parents prefers to sit their children in front of TV instead of talking with them. They prefer to buy them new PS game instead of take them in the mountains for day or two. And so it happens. Day by day, hour after hour. Our society become more and more predictable, more, I say, formated. And their existence, their choices are in hands of someone else. For sure not their own.

I am very cynical. Both for people and information. Today you are not given informations but comments. Being cynical gives you opportunity to find the informations and give away comments. Its a possibility to justify things as they are not just look and read what to think about them. Remembering that for government we are only statistics, makes easier thinking about our life as persons not society. What is good for community may not be good for us as individuals. We have different needs, we live in different places and our biochemistry is slight different then any other human (that is why no good diet for all ;) ). We should take informations and make the best choices FOR OURSELVES having them.  Only healthy individuals can creates healthy communities. So thanks God for the internet. :)  Here you can find almost anything. You can find inspirations, you can share your knowledge, you can see facts from many points of view. And still you are free to tell what you think. And that is what I am actually doing.

I do not want to give you here a large piece of me. I would like to write a story about what I am now planning to do. I've just bought an old house in the countryside and want to make it my home, my space. I would like to use all known to me "preparedness rules" to make it  comfortable and safe place for me and my family. You will find not only the facts about renewal progress but also my considerations that creates choices. Maybe here you will find the reasons to start to live your life as it can be really funny and will give you opportunity to taste everything as it is. 

Here we go !

1 komentarz:

  1. allchemik - i am really enjoying this blog - keep up the good work! and thanks for sharing!
